Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Story so Far

Once Upon a Time there was a college grad- or Anthony as he was more commonly called- choosing his courses for his first semester of graduate school. At the urging (very minor) from two of his student workers, Anthony decided to take Storytelling as his third course for the summer semester. “It sounds really interesting,” one said while the other noted “I want to take that!” And after a previous “storytelling” experience in which Anthony felt his skills were severely lacking, this seemed like the perfect way to jump into things.

Due to the structure of the summer courses, it would actually be his first course at the great institute of Syracuse, which led Anthony to be nervous and wondering if he would be able to handle it. In the weeks leading up to the beginning of the course, he found that there were pre-course assignments or quests if you will. The first quest had Anthony thinking that maybe he wasn't quite ready yet, maybe he should have waited longer until he began his master’s program or maybe he shouldn't have taken that year off. But once Anthony began the assignment he realized that he just needed to let his brain reawaken into education mode and he developed a successful plan for the final project, as was the quest set upon him.

During the first week of class, Anthony quickly realized that he could do this. He was an inherent storyteller, telling stories every day. Whether it be telling his supervisor his strange dream from the night before, or explaining to his friends the awful customers he had to deal with that day, Anthony knew how to tell a story. Sure he realized that more often than not his stories were not that interesting, but it was the way he was telling the stories that made them so. His second quest was just as successful as the first, and although Anthony was tough on himself, he knew what to work on going forward through the course.

From here on out Anthony resolved to work on his vocal abilities (in particular to his pitch). Knowing when to work the right emphasis in would only increase the interest others might have in his storytelling abilities. He also knew he must work on showing and not telling when it comes to the more creative stories he tells others. No one wants to be told how to feel, but rather led to make their own conclusions about how they would feel in the character’s shoes.

Keeping these goals in mind, Anthony set out to continue his adventure, vowing that everyone would live happily ever after at the end of this journey. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking us on a journey with Anthony. He sounds like an interesting fellow. I'm so glad that he did not retreat when faced with the quests even before the course began. I like the visual at the end. Kind of a cliff hanger. More comments are in the grading feedback area.
