Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am without hate

I really wanted to write a blog post last night, but lack of sleep and a 1000 word theatre review required my attention instead. So now that I have an opportunity, or at least not caring about the work I got to do, I get to put my thoughts into world,

As some people know I had my heart crushed this past May, and it took me some time to realize I could move on, and to stop beating myself up. I was able to go basically 4 months without really thinking about what happened, until I had a random dream while in Montreal. The part the sucked the most was that there was no provocation for it. I randomly dreamt about the biggest event of my life over the past year, and was forced to face my feelings on the matter.

The dream brought up my feelings of insecurity, hatred, and confusion. While I am no longer as confused, or at least not caring to figure it out, I have now eliminated the other two aspects that have been plaguing my life the past 2 weeks. I suffered with my insecurities this past weekend and now know how to move forward in my life.

But for the hatred I felt towards this one person, it took a candlelight vigil to erase something I should never have had. Sure I was right at first to hate what they did to me. But 5 months later it's time to move on and be the bigger person.

So now I hold no hate in my heart for the person that once held it. I wish them all the happiness in the world and hope they stay strong through life. I still don't fully understand what happened, but maybe it's for the the better.

I've forgiven. Can you do the same?

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