Sunday, September 12, 2010


I was not planning on posting again so soon, I don't want this to become like a teenage girl's diary where she posts every little detail about her life for like 2 weeks and then forgets about the diary until she is 25..... This will not be so because I will post beyond 2 weeks, and won't put every little detail on this blog.

Faith. I don't think I can encapsulate all the thoughts I am having on the topic of faith at the moment, but I'll leave a few and then ask that you bear with me until homework allows me to continue. I attended mass tonight because one of my goals for the year is to establish my faith. I had an amazing epiphany last spring in my Intro to Philosophy course on the topic of faith and religion. I am of the firm belief that just as long as one has faith and believes in something greater than themselves all will not be lost. I am not trying to preach my religion here, nor denounce it or any others. I merely wish that everyone could understand that there is no one right answer. I mean I guess in the long run one faith, one religion will be right....

But many people forget, choose to ignore, or never learn that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have the same roots. Why must one be right? Because one person in the past denounced other faiths? Why can't everyone be right and be believing in the same God? Maybe these 3 religions are just different interpretations of the same God's message?

The God I believe in is an understanding God, that I believe will forgive you is you doubt him. After all in this world full of sadness and violence it can be hard to believe God would allow the pain and misery. Once I clearly remember my Philosophy epiphany I will share it with y'all, but until then ponder one thing for me. Wouldn't you want God to forgive you? What if you had a different religion? Wouldn't you want God to understand if yours was "the wrong" one? Maybe there is no right answer, maybe we are all wrong, maybe the truth won't be revealed for another hundred years, maybe it never will. Whatever happens, happens.

 As Douglas Adams wrote, "Don't Panic". While this is from a completely different context, apply this to all worries you may have. And remember I am not trying to challenge any faith, religion, or set of beliefs. Merely ask that you be understanding of others'.

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