Monday, September 13, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

More and more I am hearing from people that they are stressed and don't have any free time. I feel for these people and consider myself amongst their ranks. But is this really a legitimate excuse?...

We create our own hectic life. Is it really necessary that we are a part of 4 different organizations and take 5 classes and work a job or 2 and this and that and everything else under the sun. I am guilty of this and I am in no way criticizing people who do this, but I don't think that anyone can honestly complain that they have no free time when 3/4 of the stuff in their schedule is optional stuff...

OPTIONAL means that if you miss a meeting, it is not the end of the world. No one forces you to do anything in your life. And this is something that people don't like hearing or excepting. And even when they except it they still  search for a reason why something on their schedule is necessary. I don't think I can count the amount of times I have heard the words "But I can't" when I tell someone that they honestly don't have to go to that club meeting. I understand that you want to be involved, but staying unstressed is more important than perfect attendance to a club where all the other people selectively choose when they attend.

If you honestly can't let something go in your life and want to maintain a busy schedule, then go ahead. But don't complain to me that you are stressed and have no time to do anything fun. Because frankly I just told you so and I will direct you back to this blog post if you do.

P.S. Don't make plans if you know you are going to break them because you are too busy. This is not good for 2 reasons. 1: The other person probably got their hopes up. & 2: IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE

P.P.S Sorry that this is a rant. Next post will be better


  1. You're right, people shouldn't complain about being stressed when they volunteer for millions of things. There's always a line that requires you to say no.

    But you can't fault someone for always being involved, and for loving each and every organization that they are involved with and willingly giving up their time to be with each organization. Just because they have no time for showing some love to their friends doesn't mean they don't love them, it just means that they are spreading the love around to a half-dozen organizations at the same time. Fin.

  2. Valid points. Some people might be conflicted on the inside on what to drop from their schedule and might not be able to make a decision. But its never easy.

  3. I agree entirely. also i believe that you should never complain about anything because ultimately, you decide everything... even if its deciding to do nothing so all the paths you stray down are your own fault.

    Go T-$!! i'm diggin ur blog so far bro
