So mainly I started this blog because a few of my friends now have them (you know who you are), and I figured this will be a good way to voice my opinions instead of telling everything to a certain confidante. I'm not planning on getting too personal, those thoughts will be for me and a select few, not the entire world. I plan on discussing the non-personal stuff that goes through my head. And trust me a LOT of stuff is going on in there. Global issues, stuff I read, stuff I discuss with others, and stuff I just feel like talking about will all find its way onto this blog.
Some may be asking why I chose the title I did.....Well the friends I mentioned before's blogs are called This Kid, His World and My World According to Me.... Hence my title. And I do like to think my world, or the world according to me is different from their's mostly because there is so much activity in my brain. Think of a caffeinated hamster that is traveling so fast that he/she makes the wheel come lose from its axis....That is what brain's inner-workings are like...
Alrighty so that is good enough of a beginning. Time to go do some of that dreaded homework O_o I'll post again soon
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